Equipment and Formulas

We offer our customers equipment for upcycling construction & demolition waste into re-usable raw-materials with higher value.  And in order to put the new waste-based raw materials in use, we offer our customer formulas for creating regulation-compliant end-products.


Equipment to transform waste into re-usable geopolymers

EcoUp’s products for processing waste materials into re-usable geopolymers contain:

  • Equipment to sort, clean and crush construction and demolition waste materials
  • Equipment to transform pre-processed waste into re-usable raw materials for geopolymers

We focus on low-energy consumption, high capacity and the ability to produce uniform quality raw materials for geopolymers down to micron-sized particles.

  • Separate unwanted components from waste

  • Pre-crush waste to smaller grain size

  • Transform pre-crushed grains into re-usable geopolymers

  • Pack geopolymers for delivery


Formulas and end-products

EcoUp’s products and services help in starting to use the geopolymers as new raw materials in end-products. Geopolymers can be used as non-virgin raw materials in limitless applications, such as:

  • Asphalt
  • Yard stones
  • Construction screed and grout materials
  • Construction and decorative elements such as acoustic panels, kitchen counter tops and tiles

We work together with the OEMs to find the best combination for their needs. We provide the capability, know-how and recipes to utilize geopolymers as recycled components in end-products.

  • Requirements for end-product

  • Requirements for geopolymer

  • Geopolymer development

  • Geopolymer verification

  • Geopolymer validation in end-product

Example: Upcycling Mineral Wool

It is fair to say, that we’ve had our hands on mineral wool for 40 years – producing, assembling and recycling mineral wool has been the heart of our company since day one.

EcoUp RECYCLE equipment transforms waste wool into re-usable geopolymers. Those geopolymer base material can then be used as raw materials that continue living over and over again. How about a yard stone made with upcycled mineral wool? Or eco-friendly filler?

We enable two main types of mineral wool upcycling possibilities:

  • Transforming excess factory and assembly left-overs to blowing wool
  • Transforming unclean demolition and renovation waste wool into re-usable geopolymers
  • Sort


    Waste wool is sorted from unwanted components

  • Clean


    Sorted wool is cleaned

  • Pre-Crush


    Cleaned wool is pre-crushed into 10+mm grains

  • Make Geopolymers


    Pre-crushed grains are transformed to µm-sized geopolymers

Contact us to learn more about our products!

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